
安全性問題 雑な翻訳「StudioSafety」その3


The last safety concern in this section is improper body alignment, which can lead to repetitive motion injuries. This category is often overlooked and underestimated in its impact on an artist's career, yet back health is an ongoing concern for many potters. Years ago, I actually developed chronic back pain from poor posture and harmful studio practices. After many trips to chiropractors, massage therapists, and other medical professionals, I decided to change the way I interacted with the wheel.

My first change was to elevate my wheel upright on cinder blocks so that my spine was straight during the act of throwing. To determine the ideal height of the wheel for you, sit comfortably in a chair that you would use for throwing.The sitting surface of the chair should be high enough that your knees are parallel to, or slightly below, your hips. Sitting with a straight back, bend your arms at a 90 degree angle and let them rest by your sides. The surface of your wheel should be about one inch below your forearms. This wheel height will allow you to use your hands in front of your torso without curving your back. If you must bend forward, bend from the hips and not the curve of your back. I have also seen potters throw stand-ing up with their back against a wall to encourage a more upright posture.


As you sit at the wheel you'll continually focus your attention and body posture forward.Over time, the pectoral and abdominal muscles tighten, causing you to lean slightly forward even if you are standing straight. This can be the start of many lower back issues. To correct the misalignment of your frame, you need to consciously work the muscles that reverse this process. Stretching abdominals in conjunction with strengthening lower and upper back muscles will bring your torso alignment back to a natural position. Below, you will see exercises that are geared toward strengthening the back while encouraging upright posture.I encourage you to participate in a weekly yoga or Pilates class to develop the core strength needed for a successful studio practice. 

 ロクロの前に座ると、意識も体の姿勢も常に前に向け続けます。このまましばらくすると、胸筋と腹筋が緊張し、まっすぐ立っていても少し前に傾くようになります。 こうなると多くの腰背中問題の出発点になります。

Another area that can be problematic is the neck and trapezius muscles. In the process of wheel work,you often spend a lot of time looking down. This can cause neck and upper back strain, making for a painful work day. To keep this problem to a minimum,I counter the time spent looking down at the wheel with other tasks that keep my head up. For my decoration process, I sit at a table with my elbows resting on the tabletop. When painting or carving, I raise the piece on an elevated banding wheel so that the center of the piece rests at the middle of my torso.This allows me to focus on the piece without looking down. Another general rule I follow is to stand up for about three minutes for every twenty-minute inter-val. I try to do this no matter what I am doing. By returning to a standing position, I allow my body to realign before going back to the task at hand.

別の部位では、首と僧帽筋も問題になる可能性があります。ロクロ作業では、だいたい見下ろすことに多くの時間を費やすことになります。 これは、首と背中に大きく負荷をかける可能性があり、痛みを伴う作業の日になってしまいます。

Along with back health, you should also consider the role your hands play in the forming process.The hardness of clay you use will affect the amount of force needed to shape a form. During an early production pottery job, I was taught to use stiff clay as a short cut to throwing taller. This can be helpful at times, but it required that I use more force in my wrist and arms. After only a few years, I started to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Thankfully chiropractic care realigned the bones in my wrist, but it was a wake up call for my wrist health. I now use the softest clay possible to throw. With proper wheel control and clay plasticity, you will be able to create any form you wish with minimal body stress. At times I use a heat gun or blowtorch to selectively dry a portion of the pot to achieve the curves necessary on a large form.I prefer this pain-free method of selective drying as opposed to using stiff clay.

 製陶所で働き始めたころ、背の高いものを引き上げるための近道として固目の粘土を使うように教えられました。それは時に役立ちますが、そうすれば手首も腕も強い力を使う羽目になります。 ほんの数年後、私は手根管症候群に掛かり始めました。おかげさまでカイロプラクティックで手首の骨は元に戻りまして、私は手首の健康に目覚めました。

To develop a successful ceramic practice, you must cultivate a flow of body movements suited to the creation of the objects you are interested in making. Creating a beautiful pot is only partially a success if you're damaging your body in the process. Mastering the potter's wheel does not have to come at the expense of your body.





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